Show Notes

Req Base Skill to Join Points  
One Hand Slash 150  
Flame 200  
Skill Points Per Lvl L100 Base
Energy 10 1,000
Evasion 8 800
Flame 10 1,000
Intuition 10 1,000
One Hand Slash 8 800
Shield 8 800
Two Hand Crush 8 800
   Total Skill Points Gained: 62 6,200
Stat Points Per Lvl L100 Base
Dexterity 6 600
Focus 6 600
Health 22 2,200
Power 7 700
Strength 7 700
Tactical Mastery 4 400
   Total Stat Points Gained: 52 5,200
Stat Points Breakdown


Abilities Earned
* = Masterable / BOLD ability name = NOT Masterable
Level Hover ability Icon for tooltip screenshot.
Hover ability Name to show all schools taught.
1 *
Intuition I
2 *
Fireball I
3 *
5 *
Combat Stance: Attuned
5 *
Fiery Judge I
5 *
Neutral Stance
7 *
Androgos' Armor I
7 *
Health Boost I
9 *
Coordinated Strike I
10 *
Combat Stance: Focused
10 *
Power Boost I
12 *
Fireball II
15 *
Combat Stance: Offensive
18 *
Coordinated Flame Bolt II
18 *
Coordinated Strike II
18 *
Multicast I
20 *
Blazing Strike I
20 *
Defend Magic I
20 *
Intuition II
20 *
Shimmer Field I
22 *
Blazing Strike II
22 *
Fireball III
24 *
Flame Adept
25 *
Fiery Judge II
25 *
Gift Slots: Two
26 *
Magus Style I
28 *
Coordinated Flame Bolt III
28 *
Coordinated Strike III
28 *
Weapon Adept
Reflect Attack I
32 *
Androgos' Armor II
32 *
Blazing Strike III
32 *
Fireball IV
34 *
Multistrike I
36 *
Defend Magic II
38 *
Coordinated Flame Bolt IV
38 *
Coordinated Strike IV
40 *
Energy Sabre I
40 *
Intuition III
42 *
Blazing Strike IV
42 *
Fireball V
44 *
Shimmer Field II
45 *
Fiery Judge III
48 *
Coordinated Flame Bolt V
48 *
Coordinated Strike V
50 *
Gift Slots: Three
Reflect Attack II
Blazing Strike V
52 *
Fireball VI
54 *
Magus Style II
56 *
Androgos' Armor III
58 *
Coordinated Flame Bolt VI
58 *
Coordinated Strike VI
60 *
Defend Magic III
60 *
Intuition IV
Blazing Strike VI
62 *
Fireball VII
64 *
Melee Flurry I
Fiery Judge IV
68 *
Coordinated Flame Bolt VII
68 *
Coordinated Strike VII
68 *
Flame Expert
Reflect Attack III
72 *
Androgos' Armor IV
Blazing Strike VII
72 *
Fireball VIII
74 *
Multicast II
74 *
Weapon Expert
75 *
Gift Slots: Four
76 *
Shimmer Field III
78 *
Coordinated Flame Bolt VIII
78 *
Coordinated Strike VIII
78 *
Health Boost II
80 *
Energy Sabre II
80 *
Intuition V
Blazing Strike VIII
82 *
Fireball IX
84 *
Defend Magic IV
84 *
Magus Style III
Fiery Judge V
88 *
Coordinated Flame Bolt IX
88 *
Coordinated Strike IX
88 *
Power Boost II
Reflect Attack IV
Blazing Strike IX
92 *
Fireball X
94 *
Multistrike II
96 *
Melee Flurry II
98 *
Coordinated Flame Bolt X
98 *
Coordinated Strike X
98 *
Shimmer Field IV
100 *
Gift Slots: Five
100 *
Intuition VI
93 Abilities Displaying
82 Abilities are marked Masterable * *
45 Abilities are Truely Masterable (<= Lvl 50) *
  NPC/Trainer    School Region   Coordinates (Click for Map)
Dreveon    Battle Mage Dalimond   22669, 22706[227/227]
Revanus    Battle Mage Imperial Army Camp   24355, 24901[244/249]
2 NPC's Displaying

FYI: Stats that give slight +bonus to current One Hand Slash skill:

Strength Dexterity Focus Power
2.5% 7.5%    

Adventure Schools that give One Hand Slash points
Click below link(s) to view the School:

Sort by Points

School Points
Battle Mage BTLM 8
Crossbowman CRSB 7
Knight of Creation KNOC 10
Paladin PLDN 10
Ranger RNGR 8
Reaver RVR 10
Scout SCT 8
Warrior WAR 10
8 of 29 Adventure Schools Displaying