What are * Masterable abilities? To Master an ability you need to level the school to double the level of the actual ability. ie Cleric has Level 2 ability: Instant Heal I. If you train Cleric to level 4, then you 'Master' that ability. Mastering an ability allows you to use/keep that ability forever, while joined in ANY school.
Note: Only Level 1-50 abilities can actually be mastered, since the maximum school level is 100. You can not master level 51+ abilities...
Hover 'Abilities Earned' Icons below to view a screenshot of the ability, in tooltip.
Hover 'Abilities Earned' Names to view all schools that teach the ability, in tooltip.
(p) denotes primary skill for crafting school (if you craft something with this skill you will receive experience).
If you have any issues seeing the entire tooltip on your screen, then click the icon to view the info statically.
L100 Base: What your base skill/stat will show at Level 100 in Character Sheet (minus race beginning stats). -- This data was added/verified 12.27.2014 and identical to Virtrium's database. When you reach level 100, the values listed is what the games' database assigns to your character, period. Some schools the numbers will align perfectly when you multiply per level times 100. Sometimes it will not. I assure you, this is the correct data. When you reach 100 and look at your base stats, they will match what is listed (if you are naked, have not used any training points (have 1200 available) and have no other high level schools that might overwrite certain skills/stats). The stats listed will match perfectly if you add your races' beginning stats to the data. Some skills will appear misaligned/incorrect when they have a level offset (schools that require certain level or skill to join). This is normal and not a mistake. Accurate assuming no data entry errors, please report those (all hand entered).
KNOWN BUG: Not technically a bug, but beware. The very first time you hover icon for tooltip (before image is cached), the tooltip might be truncated (the screenshot's width is cut off in the tooltip). Your browser will cache the image (after first time) and the width x height will now be known. When you hover the icon 2nd and subsequent times, the tooltip will re-adjust and no longer truncate. In other words, if you hover icon for tooltip and the tooltip is cutoff, just move mouse away and hover the icon again. Tooltip should now be fine (2nd time shows cached version and re-adjusts automatically).