Show Notes

Req Base Skill to Join Points  
None x  
Skill Points Per Lvl L100 Base
Dragon Breath 10 1,000
Evasion 8 800
Intuition 10 1,000
Primal 9 900
Tooth and Claw 9 900
   Total Skill Points Gained: 46 4,600
Stat Points Per Lvl L100 Base
Armor 6 600
Critical Rating 5 500
Dexterity 7 700
Focus 7 700
Health 24 2,426
Power 8 800
Strength 8 800
Tactical Mastery 5 500
   Total Stat Points Gained: 70 7,026
Stat Points Breakdown


Abilities Earned
* = Masterable / BOLD ability name = NOT Masterable
Level Hover ability Icon for tooltip screenshot.
Hover ability Name to show all schools taught.
1 *
Bite I
1 *
Claw Mastery 01
1 *
Combat Stance: Adept
1 *
Combat Stance: Alerted
1 *
Combat Stance: Conqueror
1 *
Combat Stance: Drulkar
1 *
Combat Stance: Primalist
1 *
Combat Stance: Protective
1 *
Combat Stance: Soldier
1 *
Combat Stance: Terror
1 *
Dragon Intuition I
1 *
Neutral Stance
2 *
Silver Strike I
4 *
Tail Whip I
Claw Strike I
6 *
Refreshing Breeze I
7 *
Claw Mastery 02
7 *
Ravage I
8 *
Galewind I
9 *
Drulkar's Focus I
10 *
Add Dragon Scale Slot: First Wing
10 *
Ancestral Determination I
10 *
Coordinated Breath I
12 *
Silver Strike II
13 *
Claw Mastery 03
14 *
Menacing Presence
Claw Strike II
18 *
Allowance of Power I
18 *
Snarl I
19 *
Claw Mastery 04
20 *
Add Dragon Scale Slot: Head
20 *
Bite II
20 *
Coordinated Breath II
20 *
Dragon Intuition II
Ethereal Claw
22 *
Silver Strike III
24 *
Tail Whip II
25 *
Claw Mastery 05
Claw Strike III
25 *
Gift Slots: Two
26 *
Refreshing Breeze II
28 *
Galewind II
29 *
Drulkar's Focus II
30 *
Add Dragon Scale Slot: Second Wing
30 *
Ancestral Determination II
30 *
Coordinated Breath III
32 *
Claw Mastery 06
32 *
Silver Strike IV
Claw Strike IV
38 *
Allowance of Power II
38 *
Claw Mastery 07
38 *
Snarl II
40 *
Add Dragon Scale Slot: First Foreleg
40 *
Bite III
40 *
Coordinated Breath IV
40 *
Dragon Intuition III
41 *
Staggering Howl I
42 *
Silver Strike V
44 *
Claw Mastery 08
44 *
Tail Whip III
Claw Strike V
46 *
Refreshing Breeze III
47 *
Ravage II
48 *
Galewind III
49 *
Drulkar's Focus III
50 *
Add Dragon Scale Slot: First Hindleg
50 *
Ancestral Determination III
50 *
Claw Mastery 09
50 *
Coordinated Breath V
50 *
Gift Slots: Three
52 *
Silver Strike VI
Claw Strike VI
57 *
Claw Mastery 10
58 *
Allowance of Power III
58 *
Snarl III
60 *
Add Dragon Scale Slot: Second Foreleg
60 *
Bite IV
60 *
Coordinated Breath VI
60 *
Dragon Intuition IV
62 *
Silver Strike VII
63 *
Claw Mastery 11
64 *
Tail Whip IV
Claw Strike VII
66 *
Refreshing Breeze IV
68 *
Galewind IV
69 *
Claw Mastery 12
69 *
Drulkar's Focus IV
70 *
Add Dragon Scale Slot: Second Hindleg
70 *
Ancestral Determination IV
70 *
Coordinated Breath VII
72 *
Silver Strike VIII
75 *
Claw Mastery 13
Claw Strike VIII
75 *
Gift Slots: Four
78 *
Allowance of Power IV
78 *
Snarl IV
80 *
Add Dragon Scale Slot: Back
80 *
Bite V
80 *
Coordinated Breath VIII
80 *
Dragon Intuition V
81 *
Staggering Howl II
82 *
Claw Mastery 14
82 *
Silver Strike IX
84 *
Tail Whip V
Claw Strike IX
86 *
Refreshing Breeze V
87 *
Ravage III
88 *
Claw Mastery 15
88 *
Galewind V
89 *
Drulkar's Focus V
90 *
Add Dragon Scale Slot: Tail
90 *
Ancestral Determination V
90 *
Coordinated Breath IX
92 *
Silver Strike X
94 *
Claw Mastery 16
Claw Strike X
98 *
Allowance of Power V
98 *
Snarl V
100 *
Bite VI
100 *
Claw Mastery 17
100 *
Coordinated Breath X
100 *
Dragon Intuition VI
100 *
Gift Slots: Five
124 Abilities Displaying
112 Abilities are marked Masterable * *
64 Abilities are Truely Masterable (<= Lvl 50) *
  NPC/Trainer    School Region   Coordinates (Click for Map)
BattleMaster Avariatus    Dragon Adventurer New Trismus   45933, 14605[459/146]
Instructor Karkath    Dragon Adventurer Skalkaar   41833, 16530[418/165]
Rumiana the Dragon Adventurer    Dragon Adventurer Dralk   22503, 28909[225/289]
3 NPC's Displaying

FYI: Stats that give slight +bonus to current Intuition skill:

Strength Dexterity Focus Power
  2.5% 2.5%  

Adventure Schools that give Intuition points
Click below link(s) to view the School:

Sort by Points

School Points
Battle Mage BTLM 10
Berserker BRSK 10
Blood Mage BLDM 10
Chaos Warrior CHSW 10
Cleric CLRC 10
Conjurer CONJ 10
Crossbowman CRSB 10
Dragon Adventurer DRAG 10
Druid DRU 10
Elemental Archer ELAR 10
Flame Disciple FLMD 10
Guardian GRDN 10
Healer HLR 10
Ice Disciple ICED 10
Knight of Creation KNOC 10
Mage MAGE 10
Monk MONK 10
Paladin PLDN 10
Ranger RNGR 10
Reaver RVR 10
Scout SCT 10
Shaman SHMN 10
Sorcerer SORC 10
Spearman SPRM 10
Spirit Disciple SPRD 10
Spiritist SPRT 10
Storm Disciple STMD 10
Warrior WAR 10
Wizard WIZ 10
29 of 29 Adventure Schools Displaying